
Type of Practice

Respondents were asked whether the facility provided medical or dental services.

Type of practice Number (%) of PHFs
Medical 1 651 (70.7%)
Dental 643 (27.5%)
Both 41 (1.8%)
Total 2 335 (100.0%)

Type of facility

Respondents were asked whether the facility provided any high-risk medical or dental procedures listed in Annex B(1) of the Consultation Document on Regulation of Private Healthcare Facilities. These procedures are “scheduled medical procedures” under the Private Healthcare Facilities (PHF) Bill. They are listed in Schedule 2 of the Bill and divided into 7 classes.

Under the proposed licensing scheme, only licensed day procedure centres and hospitals may provide scheduled medical procedures. Clinics are premises providing medical or dental services without lodging and may not provide scheduled medical procedures.

Type of facility Enumerated Number (%) of PHFs Projected Number(%) of PHFs
Clinic 2 137 (91.5%) 5 059 (91.5%)
Day procedure centre (DPC) 184 (7.9%) 469 (8.5%)
Surgical procedure 112 (60.9%)# -
Anaesthetic procedure 82 (44.6%)# -
Endoscopic procedure 49 (26.6%)# -
Chemotherapy 16 (8.7%)# -
Interventional radiology and lithotripsy ^ 12 (6.5%)# -
Dental procedure 7 (3.8%)# -
Haemodialysis@ 0 (0.0%) -
Total 2 335* (100.0%) 5 528 (100.0%)

# One or more classes of specialized services may be provided in a DPC

^ No DPCs reported to be providing extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL)

@Excluding 11 private haemodialysis centres currently being registered with the Department of Health under Cap. 165

*Including 14 (0.6%) PHFs with missing information on whether high-risk procedures are performed