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Regulation of Private Healthcare Facilities

Regulation of Private Healthcare Facilities

Advisory Committee

Background and Functions

The Advisory Committee for Regulatory Standards for Private Healthcare Facilities (Advisory Committee) was established in accordance with the Private Healthcare Facilities Ordinance (Cap. 633) with effect from September 1, 2020.

The Advisory Committee comprises members from the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and its constituent colleges, the Hospital Authority, and representatives from academia, private hospitals as well as registered medical practitioners' and dentists' associations. It is tasked to advise the Director of Health on matters relating to the regulation of private healthcare facilities. The terms of reference of the Advisory Committee are:

  • To devise, review and update the standards of regulation for private healthcare facilities;
  • To make recommendations on the Codes of Practice for private healthcare facilities issued by the Director of Health;
  • To advise on matters relating to licensing, regulation and compliance of private healthcare facilities under the Private Healthcare Facilities Ordinance; and
  • To advise on any other matters with respect to enhancing safety and quality standards of private healthcare facilities through regulation.


Professor Raymond LIANG Hin-suen, S.B.S., J.P.


Dr. Simon CHAN Kin-cheong
Dr. CHAN Kui-fat
Dr. CHAN Wai-lam
Dr. Johnny CHAN Wai-man
Dr. David CHAO Vai-kiong
Dr. Daniel FANG Tak-sang
Professor Edward LAI Cheuck-seen
Dr. May LAM Mei-ling
Dr. LAW Chun-key
Dr. Gary LEE Ka-yau
Dr. LEE Koon-hung
Dr. LEUNG Tse-ngong
Professor Clement THAM Chee-yung
Dr. NGAI Chi-man
Dr. Euan SOO Tsung-liang
Dr. Clara WU Wing-yee

Co-opted Members

Professor CHAIR Sek-ying
Dr. Joseph CHAN Woon-tong
Dr. Samuel KWOK Po-yin
Dr. Jeffrey LAI Cing-hon
Dr. Katherine LEUNG Chiu-man
Dr. Raymond LO See-kit
Dr. Century TSANG Hin-kei
Dr. Victoria WONG Wing-yee
Dr. WU Chee-wo
Professor Justin WU Che-yuen
Dr. Victor YEUNG Hip-wo